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Robots.txt is a file that can be used to control search engine crawlers and web robots. This file tells crawlers which parts of the website they are allowed to access and which they are not allowed to access. For example, you can use Robots.txt to block web crawlers from accessing private pages on your website that you do not want to be indexed by search engines.

Robots.txt is a file that can be placed in the root directory of a website to help control how robots to crawl and index web pages. It is a text file with the file name "robots.txt" and it should be uploaded in the site root directory, but not within a folder.

The Robots.txt Generator Tool is an online tool that allows you to easily create robots.txt files for your websites. The Robots.txt Generator tool provides simple instructions and also has the option to be used with Google Webmasters, which makes it easier to implement on websites that are already indexed in Google.


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